Focus is simply a way of mobilizing and concentrating power; therefore, to identify your talent you must first realize that everyone has been given a talent.
Talent: “A special natural ability, aptitude.”
“If a man has a talent and cannot use it, he has failed. If he has a talent and uses only half of it, he has partly failed. If he has a talent and learns somehow to use the whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded, and won a satisfaction and a triumph few men ever know.”–Thomas Wolfe
Realize that one does not have to be brilliant in order to be successful. There are people with seemingly ordinary talents who have made extraordinary contributions to society. To identify your talent lies in determining where your strengths lie, then focusing these strengths on your objectives.
“Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.”–John Wooden
“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”–Stephen King
“God gives talent. Work transforms talent into genius.”–Anna Pavlova
anybody really think that they didn’t get what they had because they
didn’t have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the
commitment?”–Nelson Mandela
Talent comes in many forms, as talent is a form of intelligence.
According to Harvard scholar Howard Gardner there are seven basic types of intelligence.
1. Logical-mathematical.
Logical thinking people string together thoughts in logical coherent patterns. They clearly see the relationships between cause and effect, and use these relationships to solve problems. Engineers, accountants, physicists, police detectives, as well as, business managers need this form of intelligence.
2. Linguistic.
The skillful use of words to inspire, influence and instruct. Can be useful in the fields of writing, broadcasting, public relations, counseling, politics, corporate leadership and other fields which require the use of words that influence people.
3. Spatial.
This is the ability to visualize material objects, manipulate them in the brain, and then reproduce them in tangible form. This could be the artist, sculptor, architect, carpenter, plumber, as well as the garment maker.
4. Bodily/Kinesthetic.
Allows the mind and muscles to work together harmoniously. This would be your athlete, dancer, juggler or surgeon.
5. Interpersonal.
These people have a highly developed ability to “read” other people. Interpersonal intelligence is an asset in any undertaking that requires interaction with other people, such as: Teacher, psychologist, lawyers, detectives and salespeople.
6. Intrapersonal.
Self-understanding. The enablement to look deep within yourself and make sense of what you see. “Know thyself.” Above all, be true to yourself, and as surely as day follows night, you will not be able to be false to anyone else.
7. Musical.
The ability to make music is an invaluable social asset. Having an appreciation for good music can enrich your life immeasurably. These people usually have high levels of musical intelligence and are sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm and tone.
So to identify your talent you can focus on the intelligences above and keep moving around until you find which one you are most gifted at. Then be sure to use it in an exciting, as well as, rewarding way which bring benefits to yourself and others.
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Angela Valadez