Saturday, April 26, 2014

Kannaway Products Review: Great Medicine Or Bad Mojo

Kannaway Products Review: Great Medicine Or Bad Mojo. The truth to this is that Kannaway is a hemp lifestyle company with a focus on nutritional wellness and their products contain CBD-Rich hemp oil.

kannaway products Kannaway Products Review: Great Medicine Or Bad Mojo
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring constituent/cannabinoid of the hemp plant. It is the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid in hemp & cannabis.
Hemp is fashionable these days and in this Kannaway Products review, you will read about how hemp differs from marijuana and the political boost that it is currently getting. Selling products based upon such a controversial ingredient is definitely a risk and one that MLM marketers have to assess before they jump on board.

Hemp Based Kannaway Products

cannablis defined Kannaway Products Review: Great Medicine Or Bad Mojo
Kannaway Products don’t have THC. That’s the active ingredient in marijuana that causes the hallucinatory effects. Because of this, the makers at Kannaway say their products can be shipped and sold in all 50 states.
Cannabidiol extract (CBD oil), is an extraction of stalks and stems from a Hemp strain of Cannabis sativa grown in the U.K., but legally imported through FDA tariff codes. Hemp (as opposed to marijuana) is usually ideal for cannabidiol (CBD oil) extractions as it is naturally high in CBD and low in THC, making it superior to most high-THC marijuana strains as far as cannabidiol (CBD) content is concerned.
All of Kannaway Product’s are health-based and all of them include some form of hemp. Utilizing fibers, seeds, and oils from sativa plants developed for their low levels of THC and their high levels of CBD, the company claims that their products are safe to use as well as being legal to sell and buy. Their products are based upon years of research by the medical marijuana industry.
kannakick Kannaway Products Review: Great Medicine Or Bad Mojo

Is there money to be made with Kannaway?

The general consensus and increased acceptance of medical marijuana and associated products indicates that there are oodles of money to be made. Getting in early can be the recipe for success for an entrepreneur willing approach sales with a well-developed business plan. This is the first MLM of its type and the prospects are staggering. However, sales don’t come without some political controversy.  Yet, when one uses the products they are able to see and feel the healing effects which they deliver.
There are several products to choose from and more coming.   It’s a no brainer.  There is money to be made, and you will also have access to a Retail Store.

Risks Of Selling Kannaway Products

No Kannaway Products review would be complete without examining the risks involved. Surveys tell the story of a deeply divided population when it comes to the use of the sativa plant. Some support its use whole-heartedly while others are deeply opposed. In the end, each entrepreneur should address their own feelings before signing up.
The fact is, that 10,000 people joined the first 96 hours!
Make sure that you understand how these products work before you start. Anyone selling this product line is sure to be challenged, as you would be in any business opportunity that you join, therefore you must be able to counter arguments against it with fully supportable facts and figures. Your promotional material must directly address the negatives as well as the positives of hemp in order to eliminate controversy and increase sales. Solved – Click Here!

The Business Potential

Kannaway Products has a strong management team that is bravely going where no company has gone before. Their initial product line includes a cream and a pen dispenser, similar to e-cigarettes (with different flavors).  The commission rates on sales look great and the home company provides a great deal of support to its agents.
Since the company is still so new, they are guaranteed to make some mistakes. Be prepared to adjust your plan continually during this initial growth phase, as with any new company.
In the final analysis, this Kannaway Products Review has to be positive. Despite the risks, it seems like an idea whose time has come with outstanding potential for excellent earnings.
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Angela Valadez

P.S.  The hemp Complex Salve contains a unique bi-bong herbal formulation that works synergistically with Natural Hemp CBD for ultimate results.  This revolutionary combination of CBD-Rich Hemp Oil and our proprietary East Asian botanicals brings rich, nourishing moisture to all skin types.
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Monday, April 7, 2014

Incorporating Twitter Basics: How to Incorporate Twitter With Your Business

Twitter is a huge website with millions of profiles and daily views.   It’s important that you learn the value of Incorporating Twitter With Your Business.

twitter Incorporating Twitter Basics: How to Incorporate Twitter With Your Business

Twitter is a great platform for businesses to spread brand awareness and communicate with their fans. Twitter allows for short character messages, 140 max, which is just enough space to say what you need to say and include a useful link. More businesses than ever arerushing to incorporate Twitter into their website and you should too.

How To Incorporate Twitter With Your Business:

By incorporating the Twitter basics, it will help you better use Twitter to market your business or website.  Below are just a couple of  ways to incorporating Twitter basics into your business.  Below are just a couple of  ways to incorporating Twitter basics into your business.  

1.  Find others in your niche.

twitter niche Incorporating Twitter Basics: How to Incorporate Twitter With Your Business
One of the first steps of incorporating Twitter basics is finding other people in your niche with similar pages. Why do you want to find these people? The people who follow those people are likely to follow you as well. Go to their pages and follow them, then follow all of the people following them.

You can repeat this process with as many hash tags or search terms that you can imagine. It’s a great way to get your Twitter following started without spending a lot of time on targeted marketing. This can help you increase your network substantially over night, but after this it’s up to you to continue posting useful information.

2.  Hashtag.

twitter hashtag Incorporating Twitter Basics: How to Incorporate Twitter With Your Business
The hash tag is a great Twitter tool and you’ll need to learn to use it if you want to fully incorporate Twitter with your business. You create a hash tag by placing a pound sign(#) directly in front of a keyword. This turns that keyword into a hash tag. When you search a particular hash tag in the Twitter search box you’ll find all of the posts on Twitter that contain that particular hash tags. This is a great tool for targeted marketing with the use of specific and relevant keywords.

Twitter has truly exploded lately in regarding to branding yourself and your business…
For more information on how you can benefit from using Twitter Click Here!

twitter follow me Incorporating Twitter Basics: How to Incorporate Twitter With Your Business

To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez
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Friday, April 4, 2014

IBO Toolbox and Relationship Building:

IBO Toolbox is not only a great place to acquire Free Advertising, but also a place for Relationship Building and Branding.

ibotoolbox2 300x159 IBO Toolbox and Relationship Building:

Relationship Building and Branding yourself is crucial to your business success.  Here at IBO Toolbox we have the opportunity to daily meet new people, as well as, interact  with each other, either one-on-one with the Live Chat, commenting on Press Releases or through the Contact Manager and Forums.
IBO Relationhsips IBO Toolbox and Relationship Building:
There is also IBOtube for all those who love to connect through video.  IBOtube also gives you the opportunity to put your business in front of your friends, associates and thousands of targeted visitors daily.
It is always a pleasure and honor to be the Featured Member of the Day on this great platform.   IBO is a place where we not only advertise, but we have the ability to learn from one another.  There are my skilled and creative people who engage on this platform.
As we all build relationships, we not only build friendships, but we become family.  We cry together, pray for one another and make suggestions for creation, change, business building, marketing strategies, social media, internet marketing, and so much more.
Many of us wear many hats and can not spend as much time as we would like on the platform, but when we are there we know that we are building relationships, as well as, long lasting friendships and business relationships.
This is a Community where we can utilize the word SERVE:
See the Future
Engage and Develop Others
Reinvent Continuously
Value Results and Relationships
Embody the Values of its members and Administration

As for me, I am a wife, mother of 4 and grandmother to 13.  I am in several businesses, minister and book-keeper at church.  I am also a Realtor, so I seem to always be on the run.
I would like to take the time to thank each and everyone on IBO, as well as the Administration for giving us such a platform.  I have built many solid relationships here.
Thank you for allowing me to Featured Member of the Day once more.
Angela Valadez
P.S.  There are many benefits to joining IBO Toolsuite that I have not even listed here.  See for yourself.  It’s 100% FREE….
Join me on IBO by clicking on the Banner below:

ibotoolbox11 300x92 IBO Toolbox and Relationship Building:
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Rest and Do Not Worry!

Rest and Do Not Worry because “worry” is nothing other than an irrational thought, which gives you the ability to dissect it by taking it apart, you can cut it up, lay it out and look at it piece by piece.

rest2 Rest and Do Not Worry!
It has been noted that 94% of the things you tend to worry about will never come to pass, or they are innocuous.  Therefore, there is only a 6% ratio left to be dealt with, and we all have the capability to handle the 6% without panicking and being filled with apprehension.

Worry is one of the the most ineffective pastimes we can have:

Better never trouble trouble
Until trouble troubles you,
For you’re sure to make your trouble
Double trouble when you do.
And your trouble, like a bubble,
That you’re troubling about,
May be nothing but a cipher
With the rim rubbed out.”
—David Keppel
Rest is important to our bodies because it gives to us a sense of restored balance and allows us to function much better.  Our bodies requires rest, which by the way can come in the form of a good night’s peaceful sleep with the end result being that we are allowed to see how rest recharges our body and makes it more capable to deal realistically with the challenges of each day and lessens the chance of worry.
“And on the seventh day God ended His work which he had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all his work which He had done.”–Genesis 2:2
rest1 Rest and Do Not Worry!
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the lilies of the field grow.  They do not labor or spin.”–Matthew 6:25-28
Life has its responsibilities, but we also have a choice to either worry or rest.
“Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain you.”–Psalm 55:22

Find a place of Rest by:

1.  Never allowing others to control your stopwatch!
You should never allow yourself to be intimidated by the opinions of others.  Remember to always take charge of your time and never let other’s infringe on your committed time for rest and recovery.
2.  Realize that there is a need for rest in each season of your life.
Every phase of life requires rest in order to continue on to the next phase.
3.  Be sure to work to fulfill your calling, never your falling.
You are to work at accomplishing your goals in life, avoiding the addiction to become a workaholic, which tends to bring overexertion, exhaustion, as well as, over-extension.
4.  Learn to work at Resting.
Take vacations, relax, enjoy life.  Take time outs from time to time to become refreshed, renewed and recharged.
vacation Rest and Do Not Worry!
5.  Always reward yourself with Rest.
When you work hard, it’s important to reward yourself by playing hard.  Avoid burnout which destroys your motivation to work.  We maximize ourselves in times of silence where we are able to be still in rest.
Worry is a condition where the mind spasmodically clutches an idea and won’t let it go. You allow yourself to hold onto an idea which you refuse to let go of.

Do Not Worry by:

a.  Taking Worry Apart by exchanging a bad idea with a good idea.
b.  Rising Above Worry by rising above the worry with clarity.
c.  Looking at Worry realistically and logically, then it loses its power.
It is important to Rest and Do Not Worry because the places of ‘rest’ that we carve out for ourselves are most often where we are able to best assess our life, our dreams, our heartaches, as well as our faith.  There is so much power in Rest, because it allows us to enjoy the journey of life, not only arriving at the destination.  Take a break, then rest and restore yourself.
To Your Massive Success,
Angela Valadez
P.S.  Learn how you can take part in a fast growing business:  Click Here Now!
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Surviving as a Stay At Home Mom

Surviving as a Stay At Home Mom is possible with the correct Time Management Procedures in place.

stay at home mom2 Surviving as a Stay At Home Mom
Stay at home moms often get a bad rap. They are often considered “always available” by those who don’t really understand what all they accomplish in a day. A typical stay at home mom would earn over $100,000 per year if she were paid for the many things that she does throughout the day.
“Kids spell T-I-M-E.”–John Crudele
For a staying at home mom to stay on top of things she needs to organize her time wisely. She should start with the moment she gets up in the morning. Make the bed as soon as she gets out of it to save time later.
After making the bed, get dressed, this will help to speed the day up later on. If she has laundry she may wish to throw a load in after this. Now it’s time to get children up for school.
As she continues on throughout her day, she should be picking things up as she goes from one room to another. This will save her from having to run around hurriedly cleaning before someone comes over or hubby comes home.
stay home mom Surviving as a Stay At Home Mom
Children as young as 3 years old can learn to help by picking up their toys. Putting their clothes into a drawer and maybe even dusting. It’s not difficult to train children to help. This will help reduce the time mom has to work at cleaning the house. Remember, it’s okay if it’s not perfect. Allowing children to help will teach them responsibility and the quality will come in time.
Focus on only one major task per day. Perhaps it’s vacuuming or washing all of the bedding. Whatever it is, it will help to reduce chaos if only one task is focused on. Mom will also feel like she’s really accomplished something at the end of the day.
Always go easy on yourself. You’re only one person. Things often happen that will throw the scheduling off so be flexible.
“In bringing up children, spend on them half as much money, and twice as much time.”–Unknown Author
stay at home mom1 Surviving as a Stay At Home Mom
It’s important to remember that surviving as a Stay At Home Mom is possible, and with the correct focus and time management in place, it is even possible for you to create an income from home.
For more information - Click Here!
To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez
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