Saturday, November 23, 2013

Team-building: Your Solution To Success

Team-building is your Solution to Success because it enlists with it,  self-development, positive communication, leadership skills, as well as, the ability to work closely as a team in order to solve problems.

team building 300x157 Team building: Your Solution To Success

“No problem is insurmountable.  With a little courage, teamwork and determination a person can overcome anything.” –B Dodge

“Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to maintain uncommon results.” –Unknown

As a team-building supporter in network marketing I find that it makes a lot of business sense. It works well and solves many typical business problems,  all while working on direct sales and network marketing. Earnings have increased and it is an ideal solution when you come up against an obstacle.
While approximately  97 percent of people aren't making money, I am and you can. Why you may ask?
It has nothing to do with the industry and the business model is far from flawed. It’s that it can be an obstacle to work on your own without a “team”. A team will work together toward a common goal and put the company first, not a single person.
That’s why team-building works. It’s not a get rich scheme, it’s not rocket science, it’s simply a unique approach to the business world.

teambuilding1 Team building: Your Solution To Success

If you want to work at the basic level, you do so alone. If you build a team,  you work together toward a common goal.
There is power in numbers and there is power in network marketing. It does indeed take a village to grow a business.
With this traditional approach, direct sales and network marketing work well hand in hand. Ideally, the company will provide you with all of the support you require to make your sales and recruiting teams work well together.
It’s important to focus on your downline and only your downline. Building your team will add to your front line and in time, it will work seamlessly.
Teaching the people below you to use the same technique, you’ll build your business to success while other businesses not utilizing this technique will be struggling. Thus, your business will be making the money from the start and you won’t be having to worry about your business failing.
By team-building,  your whole team is making money, not just the guy at the top. Focusing on your job as a team will lend some confidence to everyone on the team. No one will be alone in the blame if something goes awry.
As you use this approach, you’re building depth and improving the chances of the entire team to make money. You’ll have a stronger business and a higher number of earnings. Fewer of the employees (think team here) will quit and you’ll have a solid business from the start.
Team-building is the ideal solution for any business that is seeking to improve its business practices. Focusing on depth and income as a team will be successful where other businesses are failing.
Whether you’re on my team or a different team, it doesn’t matter. Just join a team and get to work and you’ll see for yourself how quickly working as a team will help you to gain momentum in business and earnings. Teach others to do the same and you’ll be even more successful.
That is how team-building works, if everyone works together,  everyone succeeds.
For a unique system to Team-building:  Click Here Now!
To Your Massive Success,

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Learning To Think Clearly

Learning To Think Clearly is a “Process,” not an overnight Achievement.

learning to think clearly 300x133 Learning To Think Clearly
The mind has to be trained.  In order to learn how to think clearly will take effort on your part. In fact, the quality of your thinking is what leads to the quality of your results.
At times the mind will become cluttered and filled up with a lot of static. It can feel like a television station that you’re unable to tune in to.  Your favorite program is on,  but you’re unable to tune in to it, and the static is unbearable.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to “tune in” whenever you wanted to?
“Action to be effective must be directed to clearly conceived ends.” –Jawaharlal  Nehru

10 suggestions to help you learn to think clearer:

1. Take a short walk daily.
Exercise clears your mind and opens the way to clear and creative thoughts.  In the end your mind as well as your body  will be refreshed.
2. Stay away from refined sugar.
Sugar takes you up and then drops you down just as fast.  If you want to understand what brain fog is, eat a sugary donut on an empty stomach, then watch for the outcome twenty minutes later. What you will experience, along with the “sugar blues,” is brain fog. Make sure that you eliminate sugar and simple carbohydrates when you need to think clearly.
3. Organized Working Space leads to clear thinking.
It’s rare that a person can actually work better in a mound of clutter.  Having an organized working space means you won’t have the thought “where is that…” distracting your mind.
4. Get “enough” sleep.
Sleep requirements will vary from person to person, however, the minimum for most is somewhere approximately five hours.  Some suffer if they sleep less than eight hours. The research, however, indicates that after a certain minimum quantity, the quality of sleep is more important to normal brain function.
5. Meditation.
Sometimes you just need to close your eyes, relax, and watch your breathing  for a while. Accept the fact that your mind will wander, but when it does, continually return your attention to your breathing. After about five minutes of this you’ll feel a boost in your brainpower.
6. Remove your “mind irritations.”
Beware of your busy brain.  If you have  a call that you need to make and it keeps popping into your thoughts.  Either make that call, or put it on a list, and your mind will let go of it for the present. Sometimes, just seeing a problem and saying to yourself, “There’s nothing I can do about this until Friday,” will often stop unconscious worrying.  Identify any such “stressors”, and then do something to let them go.
7. Don’t over indulge in Alcoholic Beverages.
Never over indulge in the use of alcoholic beverages.   While moderate amounts can be conducive to creative thinking, all the evidence states that it is bad for the long-term health of your brain.
8. Make decisions quickly.
Nothing gets in the way of clear thinking like a dozen decisions hanging around unmade. If nothing else, decide when you’ll make the decision.
9. Take in some fresh air.
Stop and then go outside and  breathe deeply through your nose. Not only will you get a good dose of oxygen to your brain, but the change of surroundings will help clear your mind.
thinking1 Learning To Think Clearly
10. Satisfy your physical needs.
Clear thinking is much easier to maintain if you’re not hungry, thirsty, or hot.
“Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day.” –Ralph Wald Emerson
thinker2 Learning To Think Clearly
It is possible to learn to think more clearly starting today.  A clear thought can become a great thought once partnered with a great idea.  Remember this:  In the right environment clear thinking is valued because your ideas will flow more freely, and those ideas will then stimulate even better ideas.
Think Clearly while making more money:  Click Here!
Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Law of Attraction – What Is This?

The Law of Attraction can be you believing in the incredible you and by doing so, start to attract like minded people to you!

law of attraction Law of Attraction   What Is This?
You may have heard of the law of attraction, this mysterious force which allows like to attract like. Although it seems to be more of a myth than a reality, many people believe that this philosophy in some way plays a large role in their lives.
If you think about magnetism, and the attraction that certain metals have for each other, you have to assume that at some energetic level, especially with people that we meet, that this law of attraction is also working through our emotions and thought processes.
law of attraction1 Law of Attraction   What Is This?
“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.” –Richard Bach

The laws of attraction, regardless of its origin, are based upon the belief that your thoughts originate from energy. It is this energy, along with your intention, that helps you to manifest certain things in your life.
There is the possibility that your attitude can play a large role in the people and events that occur in your life. Unlike magnets that attract opposites, the laws of attraction seem to state quite the opposite.
If you have a positive personality, theoretically, you should attract positive happy people into your life. If you have a very negative or angry personality, you will attract situations and people into your life that match this negative personality trait.
In order to see if this concept of like attracting like is actually real, you might want to do a meditation on the things that you would like to have in your life. Then, begin to modify your own personality in ways that will attract these things.
Law of Attraction3 Law of Attraction   What Is This?

By  meditation on becoming more positive and enthusiastic you will be able to:

a.  Have more energy, get more things done, as well as have more time.
b.  Attract other positive, like-minded people.
c.  Tackle problems and get past obstacles faster and easier.
d.  Constantly reach your goals, have more self esteem and be healthy and strong.
Begin to eliminate negative feelings and emotions as much as possible, and see if positive events and people begin to show up. If your life changes dramatically as a result of shifting your focus to more positive things, then the law of attraction may very well be a tangible force in the universe that all of us can gain access to by altering the way that we think and feel on a regular basis.
“I release all feelings of worry and guilt.” –Wayne Dyer
The Law of Attraction will also help you to get paid faster:  Click Here Now..
Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Monday, November 18, 2013

Get On The Persistence Train!

In order to get aboard the Persistence Train there are steps you must have in place.

train Get On The Persistence Train!
Persistence is a “state of mind” which can be cultivated through practice.  In other words, you must train yourself to be persistent.
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”–Napoleon Hill
“Energy and Persistence conquer all things.” –Benjamin Franklin

Steps to The Train Persistence Starts With:

persistence Get On The Persistence Train!
1.  Definiteness of Purpose.
You must know what you want.  This is probably the most important step towards the development of persistence.  It takes a strong motive to force you to surmount the many difficulties you will encounter.

2.  Have A Desire:
By having a great desire in your heart it will be comparatively easy to acquire and maintain persistence when pursuing the object of your intense desire.

3.  Becoming Self-Reliant:
When you believe in your ability to carry out a plan or course of action, it will encourage you to follow that plan to the end with determination and persistence.  (You can inspire yourself to become self reliant through the power and practice of auto suggestion.)
What is Auto Suggestion?
It is a term used for suggestions and all self-administered stimuli which reaches into one;s mind through the five sense.  In other words, it is self suggestion.  It is the medium used for influencing the sub conscious mind.  It can be the negative or the positive thoughts we tend to choose to rule over us.  It is the agent of the mind where communication of a conscious thought actually takes place.  In other words, it is the seat of action for your subconscious mind.

4.  Having a Definiteness of Plans:
Having organized plans will encourage persistence.  This will happen even if they are weak or impractical at the onset. Through time and practice with applied knowledge you will finalize and make your plans definite, precise and clear.

5.  Obtaining Accurate Knowledge:
Having a knowing that your plans are sound, based upon experience or observation will encourage persistence.  Guessing, instead of Knowing will destroy persistence.  You need to “know” that  your plans are sound.

6.  Team Cooperation:
Having sympathy, understanding, and harmonious cooperation with others always helps to build up and develop persistence as well.

7.  Strong Will-Power:
Maintaining the habit of concentrating your thoughts upon the building up of your plans for the attainment of a definite purpose will also lead to persistence.

8.  The Power of Habit:
You will realize that persistence is the direct result of habit.  Your mind absorbs and becomes a part of the daily experiences upon which it feeds.
Fear. which is the worst of all enemies, can be cured effectively by FORCED REPETITION OF ACTS OF COURAGE.  Anyone who has participated  in active service of any kind can verify this.
persistence1 Get On The Persistence Train!
“Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.” –Napoleon Hill

“As long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time.” –Denis Waitley
So be sure to get on the Persistence Train and make a difference in your life and the lives of others.  There are countless others whose paths have been planned for you to meet.
The holidays are here and many are needing help.  To help them, as well as yourself -
Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Are You A Winner?

What is a Winner?

winner 300x295 Are You A Winner?
A winner is one who wins, especially a victor in sports, or a notably successful person.
“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” –Zig Ziglar

“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.” –Paul Bryant

“Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that’s more productive.”  –Donald Trump
In essence:

Winners are Overcomers!

Winners can actually be people just like you, and just like me, if you indeed have the heart and desire!

winner1 Are You A Winner?
Winners take chances.
Like everyone else, they fear failing,
but they refuse to let fear control them.
Winner’s don’t give up.
When life gets rough, the hang in
until the going gets better.
Winners are flexible.
They realize there is more than one way
and are willing to try others.
Winners know they are not perfect.
They respect their weaknesses
while making the most of their strengths.
Winners fall, but they don’t stay down.
They stubbornly refuse to let a fall
keep them from climbing….
Winners don’t blame
fate for their failures
nor luck for their successes>
Winners accept responsibility for their lives.
Winners are Positive Thinkers
who see good in all things.
From the ordinary, they make
the extraordinary.
Winners believe in the path they
have chosen
even when it’s hard,
even when others can’t see
where they are going.
Winners are patient.
They know a goal is only as worthy
as the effort that’s required to achieve it.
Winners are people like YOU!
They make this world a
better place to be.
So I ask you…  Are you a Winner?
If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”
Angela Valadez
210 601 0267
Join me Here:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Becoming A Possibility Thinker

Becoming a Possibility Thinker begins when you realize that your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thoughts.

possibility thinking Becoming a Possibility Thinker

The difficulty that many people have is becoming entrapped in the routines of everyday life. When you are younger, it is easier to conceptualize the idea of taking your life to higher levels, doing things that most people only dream about. Unfortunately, as life goes on, and your dreams are not realized, we become doubtful about what is actually possible in our lives. As a result of this, many people end up getting caught in their daily routines, never achieving what they hoped to accomplish earlier in life.
“Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.” –Aristotle
“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.” –Albert Einstein

possibility thinking2 Becoming a Possibility Thinker
You don’t have to brilliant to be successful.  There are many people with what seems to be ordinary gifts who have made extraordinary contributions to society.  It begins with learning where your strengths are, then focusing those strengths to defined objectives.
“Genius is one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration.”  – Thomas Edison

However, there is hope for those that would like to change their mundane mindset. It is possible to once again think of all of the possibilities, and believe that you can achieve at least some of them. In this article, I will present some ways of becoming a possibility thinker, someone that can rise from the ashes of defeat and slowly become an achiever that can accomplish what they set out to do long ago.
“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” –Gloria Steinen
One of the first things that you need to do to become a possibility thinker is to “make a list” of what you want to accomplish.
The list is important, but even more so, you need to “visualize” what it is you want to manifest in your life.
“Goal setting” is part of this process, but you must actually see yourself where you want to be, feeling the emotions of actually being in a situation that will make you happy and fulfilled. In essence, you are breaking the normal routines that you currently face everyday by having this different mindset.
Once you do this, and visualize where you want to be on a regular basis, becoming a possibility thinker is within your grasp.
Although there are many other facets to this way of thinking, this is the foundation that you need to set first.

possiblity thinking1 Becoming a Possibility Thinker

Possibility Thinking requires a focused and  well designed idea of:

a.  where you want to go.
b.  what you want to accomplish.
c.   see yourself achieving these goals.
“If a man has a talent and cannot use it, he has failed.  If he has a talent and uses only half of it, he has partly failed.  If he has a talent and learns somehow to use the whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded, and won a satisfaction and a triumph few men ever know.” –Thomas Wolfe
By doing this on a routine basis, you will slowly break the routines of your mundane life. Becoming a possibility thinker which will lead you to greater things, which inevitably, will also manifest as a more fulfilling life.
If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267
Work with me here:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facts About Issues Making Your Vision Glow

Some Facts About Issues Making Your Vision Glow:  Eyesight and Mindset!

eyesight Facts About Issues Making Your Vision Glow
If you are really curious about making your vision glow, consider the incidence of a very rare eye problem that involves anomalous development in the retinal blood vessels. Your retina lines the interior of your eye. As different chemicals that make up blood start to leak in the retina, fluid builds up beneath it. The end result is often a loss of sight, particularly in the central region, and a gradual separation of the retina from other parts of the eye.
Indeed, a childhood cancer that grows from immature cells lurking in the retinas of both eyes can appear between birth and five years of age.
The physicians will give you a screening for retinoblastoma, Coats’ disease, and a bunch of other possible problems.

vision1 Facts About Issues Making Your Vision Glow
If you are really curious about seeing that glow, head to the doctor’s office. Professionals use a simple test to rule out many of the problems above. With a simple red-reflex test, a pediatrician can ascertain with really anomalous results. If you look carefully at the picture, you see that the glow comes from a lot of places.
Another possibility is to ask for a red reflex treatment. If you have seen a glow or at least believe that you have, you need an instantaneous way to measure and objectify the result. The most associations that anyone should make the assignment is something you can do as frequently as possible.

Other aspects complicating your Vision’s Glow:

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” –Helen Keller
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!” –Bob Marley
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Making your vision glow is an important part of this process. If you feel optimism, then your vision will light up naturally. Making your vision glow without it feeling forced is an important part of accomplishing your dreams and visions. If you are intimidated by the thought of having to make your own commissions or even change your lifestyle, then making your vision glow is definitely possible with an attitude adjustment, a positive mindset and the “Can Do Spirit.”

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267
Work with Me Here:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What is the Purpose of ‘What If?’

What is the Purpose of “What If?”  - An Alternative Solution!

what if What is the Purpose of What If?
“What if you could be anything, or anybody, you chose to be? Think about it. What would you choose to be?” –Nido Qubein
“A sobering thought: what if, at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?” –Jane Wagner
What if:  The Question
This question comes at us every day. What if I said this, or,  What if I did that or what would happen if I didn’t!  It all comes down to decisions, some decisions we make will be good and other decisions may turn out to be bad decisions. That’s life.
When you take some time to look back on your life you can think of some really great decisions that you made,  some decisions that have altered the course of your life. You will also remember some really bad ones which have affected you in a negative way.
what if1 What is the Purpose of What If?
“What if we all suddenly get carried away thinking – who will be left to act?” –Andrei Platonov
We must realize that  Life is never static, it’s always changing and opportunities come and go. Doors will open and we  must decide whether to step through and seize the opportunity or not. When you are standing in front of that open door of opportunity the question arises “What if?” do I or don’t I. We must make a decision.
How do we make decisions? This depends on our background, education, life experiences and sometimes advice from others.
What if I told you that I know how you could get some free merchandise.  Would it be appealing to you? What if I told you that I knew a place where you could become a Preferred Customer and not be asked to pull out your Credit Card? Would you be interested?

I am going to open a door for you to obtain some FREE products at no cost to you.  Just sign in and look for “FREE” on the bar and get the free items which appeal to your fancy. The only cost is your time and effort. Now you must decide! Ask yourself the following question:-

whatif2 What is the Purpose of What If?
“What if” I Click on this link: 

There’s also an opportunity to build a business!  Watch presentation here:

It could make all the difference.

If you enjoyed this articles, please “Like and Share.”

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Monday, November 4, 2013

Happiness: Mind over Matter

Happiness is the state of being happy, therefore, it is mind over matter because you have to make a “decision” to be happy no matter what your circumstance.

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” –Dalai Lama
“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” –Abraham Lincoln
Even though you could be infinitely happy by just enjoying nature, family and all the human-made things, there are still millions of people who are unhappy. When you look at the developed countries  there tends to be the very fortunate circumstance of having both God-given and man-made things.  Even so, the majority of the people are still unhappy.
Yet again, in the under developed countries, where for millions, there is a real scarcity of even basic needs, yet the people seem to be happy. There are even some people who are engaged in difficult tasks, warfare, or even incarcerated in prisons, and yet they are still happy!
“Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.” –Thomas Jefferson
Happiness is not realized by the mere availability and abundance of God given and human-made things. There is something else which should be right to be happy. Of course, it is our mind that must have right attitude  and capacity to be happy.

Milton in Paradise Lost says,
‘The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.’

Various examples of us how the mind over matter can and will influence our body:

• Pavlov’s dog starts salivating at the sound of the bell without any food in sight.
• If we are tense we often get headache, backache, and spondylitis, etc.
• Heart attacks are directly linked to worry and tension.
• The Right mental attitude helps in curing many bodily maladies.
• Self-talk, motivation, and positive attitude we can become happy and successful.
• Hypnosis one can have command over another person’s mind and body.
• Meditation can help with having a healthy body and extra sensory abilities.
“Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.” –Dale Carnegie
The Mind has extra-ordinary powers and as far as happiness is concerned,  it has the ultimate power. We should, therefore, have a positive attitude towards life. Instead of concentrating on the bad things in life and people, we should always concentrate on the redeeming features in them.
It is important not to keep on thinking about past failures and bad experiences,  but be encouraged by your past success and good experiences. Similarly, we should not be unduly anxious about the future as our anxiety is not going to have a positive effect, but we should plan and work hard for the future.