Saturday, March 29, 2014

Stress Relief: Part 2

Stress Relief begins by changing our thoughts because we are not what we think, but what we think we become. Therefore, to avoid stress we must begin to have a positive attitude and thinking habits.

stress2 Stress Relief:  Part 2
Believe this statement by Adidas:
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it.  Impossible is not a fact.  It’s an opinion.  Impossible is not a declaration.  It’s a date.  Impossible is potential.  Impossible is temporary.  Impossible is nothing.”
“The more tranquil a man becomes,  the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good.  Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful treasures of wisdom.”  James Allen
Stress Relief  Methods Continued:
8. Learn to Put Off Problems Before They Even Occur.
This will take some preparation and practice. For instance:
a.  If you are going to another city for an important meeting,  carry your presentation materials and dress suit on board the plane.
b.  Gas up before your tank is on empty.
b.  Keep your car tuned up and your oil changed.
d.  Keep food ready and on hand anytime at your house in case you have to prepare a fast meal without having to go to the store.
e.  Always keep enough food, medicine, and toiletries on hand so you never have to feel tensed about them running out.
9. Expect And Enjoy All The Good Things That Life Has to Offer.
massage Stress Relief:  Part 2
Be sure to allow yourself some physical pleasure and enjoyment  in order to keep stress at bay.  Indulge yourself with a professional massage, or trade massages with a loved one.
Give yourself consent to enjoy a movie, watch a concert or sports event, listen to music, or read a book. Take pleasure in a soothing cup of chamomile herb tea with a little bit of honey. Chamomile has long been used to relieve nervous tension.
You may want to arrange a day of beauty and relaxation with a friend. Do each other’s hair, or paint your nails and chat.
Make a simple steam facial at home by boiling water. Remove the pan from the stove. Cover your head with a large towel so that it creates a tent over the pot. Steam your face for five or 10 minutes. Add aromatic herbs to the water for a sensual touch. Center your attention on any of the senses – hearing, seeing, eating or body movements – for a few minutes. Even washing your hands can become a sensual experience.
10. Maintain a Definite Goal or Purpose in Life, and Strive for it..
Plan ahead to meet your most desired goals in life.  It’s important to always wake up with a sense of purpose.
Most Time management experts highlight the importance of writing down your important goals.  Be sure to break down big projects down into a series of small steps that you can work on every day.  Inch by inch, slowly but surely, you will get to your ultimate destination.
Knowing that you are striving towards  your dreams will relieve the frustrations that mount when you feel stuck in a rut or a situation that seem to have no direction.
11. Take Time Away To Recharge Your Spirit.
“Calmness is the cradle of power.”–J G Holland
Make sure to schedule for private time alone daily. After all, you deserve it. Unplug the telephone and enjoy a quiet evening alone or with your family.
Maybe even spend a few minutes writing your feelings out in a journal. This can help you find a new viewpoint in life and relieve any internal conflicts.
More Tips to Recharge Your Spirit:
stress3 Stress Relief:  Part 2
· Use earplugs for instant peace anytime, anyplace.
· Meditation:Two methods: Observe your thoughts as they pass through your mind. Or, repeat a word or phrase with an uplifting meaning.
. Put into practice progressive relaxation for 20 minutes twice a day to relive high blood pressure and other physiological responses to stress. Make tighter and release each muscle group in turn, starting with the soles of the feet and slowly working up to the scalp.
· Schedule a weekend activity that is a change of your usual routine.  
· Take time out for a little entertainment in the middle of your workday. When the pressures of completing a project are too great, your productivity can drop. Take a walk or eat lunch outside the office.
12. Use Visualization and Affirmation Techniques.
visualize Stress Relief:  Part 2
It’s possible for you to conquer a circumstance you fear by going over the event in your mind. Imagine the scene in clear detail and visualize the best possible result that may happen.
It’s also possible to reduce an imagined fear down to size by picturing the worst possible outcome. Visualize describing this worst case to your best friend the next day and the sympathy you receive.
Imagine telling a group of friends the next month, who contribute to their similar experiences.
Finally, imagine joking about your unpleasant experience with a complete stranger a month later. If you carry this exercise through to the end, your stress will become something to laugh about.
Replace negative self- talk with positive affirmations. Never allow your mind be filled with gloom:
You’re too ugly. . . you’re too old. . .you’ll never achieve anything. And things like: What if I fail the exam? What if she doesn’t like my gift? What if we get lost? These things haven’t even occurred yet.
Nourish your mind with a constant stream of “I can; therefore, I will.”
13. Always Get a Sufficient Amount of Rest.
Settle on how much sleep your body requires for the best possible performance. Lack of
sleep lessens the body’s responses to stress and lowers the immune system.
14. Never Allow Yourself To Become Self Centered.

Realize that it’s not necessary for you to attain all the money, fame, and success in the world.  There’s just not enough time to do all these things. Start from the most important task and focus on one thing at a time.
“Assume a cheerfulness you do not feel, and shortly you feel the cheerfulness you assumed.”–Chinese Proverb
Once you realize that Stress Relief comes from taking responsibility for your attitude towards how to react to situations, you will be able to overcome obstacles instead of being stressed from them.
“There is more to life than increasing its speed.”–Mohandas  K Gandhi

To Your Massive Success,

Angela Valadez
P.S.  Need help building your home business, or need to get started in a home business?Click on banner below:
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stress Relief: Part 1

Due to the emotional wavering that can vary from moment to moment as well as day to day, stress can set in with a buildup of tensions, anxieties, and tightness that will hurt your ability to think and act wisely making ‘Stress Relief’ a necessity.

stress relief Stress Relief:  Part 1
Stress Relief

In order to obtain and maintain Stress Relief you have several methods to choose from. Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
“A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life.”–Proverbs
“Renew your mind with the washing of the Word of God”
Removing stress from your life takes more than prayer alone. You must ‘take action’ to make changes and stop doing whatever is causing the stress. You can learn to calm down in the way you handle things.
It is also important that we realize that stress doesn’t come from our boss, kids, spouse, traffic jams, health issues, or any other circumstances.  Stress comes from your thoughts regarding these circumstances.
calm down stress Stress Relief:  Part 1
Living a stress- free lifestyle is able to do wonders in eliminating depression.  If you truly would like no stress in your life, take the stress test and follow these practical methods to relieve stress:
1. Be Amused And Be Happy.
Laugh hard and loud! If you lack  a sense of humor, find someone else who has or watch a funny movie.  Laughter releases endorphin’s (happy chemicals) from the body, which helps boost your immune system.
2. Time Management.
You’ll find that you will be much more able to deal with stress if you have a good handle on your job, relationships, and other activities. When you are in control, you are more inclined to stay focused and calm.  Be sure to ‘Plan your time wisely.’
Always leave room for unexpected events – both negative and positive.  Allow yourself to be adaptable in rearranging your agenda.  Plan to get out of bed at least 15 minutes early in the morning.  Allow an extra 15 minutes to get to all appointments.
It’s important to avoid procrastinating on important or urgent tasks. Whatever needs doing, do it immediately. Always undertake the unpleasant tasks early, so that you won’t have to worry about them for the rest of the day. Keep an appointment or record book. Never just rely on your memory.
Make sure that you do your tasks one thing at a time.  Be sure to focus your attention on the present moment, whether it’s the person talking to you or the job at hand. This will help you to avoid making any errors – which will lead to more tension and anxiety.
Be patient in waiting.  Anxiety caused by impatience will raise  your blood pressure. Learn to Say “no” to requests that you cannot accomplish.
Delegate all  trivial tasks. You must remember that you don’t have to do it all yourself. Break down each job into separate tasks and assign them to people with the suitable skills.
3. Exercise.
stress relief exercise Stress Relief:  Part 1
Work Out  and Strive  to get some habitual exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or whatever appeals to your fancy.
You can play a sport  which you’re interested in. Aerobic exercises can considerably reduce the stress factor. Working out also improves your ability to sleep well and gives you time to think and focus on other things.
Exercise also promotes the release of natural soothing chemicals in your body.  Never result to excessive exercise, because this may have an adverse effect and might cause more depression.
4. Join A Support Group.
Joining a Support Group is another Stress Relief as it helps to manage stress much better just by having other people helping and supporting you. Did you know that married people and people who are outgoing (always meeting with friends), have considerably low levels of stress in their lives?
Always choose positive friends who are not worriers.  All friends who continually put you
down or talk gloomily about life will increase your anxiety. Talk over your problems with a trustworthy, positive uplifting friend. A long-distance call to an old pal can be great therapy.
forgiveness Stress Relief:  Part 1
Forgive others instead of holding grudges. Forgiveness is a great Stress Relief.  It not only frees the other person, but yourself as well. Perfectionism is not the means to
happiness. Become more flexible and adaptable to your environment.
Always communicate clearly with your co-workers, boss or team mates. Ask more questions. Repeat instructions that you are given. Clarifying directions at the start of a project can save lots of time later rectifying out misunderstandings. Be honest in your
dealings with others. Lying and cheating will always lead to more stress.
5. Learn to Take Deep Breaths.
Calm down your muscles, escalating your stomach and chest. Exhale slowly. Do it again several times. Follow your breath as it flows in and out. Do not try to have power over it.
This is a good way to relax in the midst of any activity. This practice allows you to find a breathing pattern that is natural and relaxing to you.
Make use of this yoga technique:
Inhale slowly, counting to eight. Exhale through your mouth, even more slowly, counting to sixteen. Make a sighing sound as you exhale, and feel tension dissolve. Do it again 10 times.
6. Consume Healthy Foods And Timely Eating Habits.
Never skip meals, especially breakfast. Take time out to eat heartily no matter how busy you are. Take nutritious snacks to the office, or even the shopping mall. A nutritionally balanced diet is essential to your health and lifestyle.
Researchers have found that even small deficiencies of thiamine, a B-complex vitamin, can cause anxiety symptoms. Pantothenic acid, another B-complex vitamin, is critical during times of stress. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and large amounts of sweets, which can and will worsen them systems and actually cause more stress.
7. Optimistic Living!
Count your blessings, particularly when everything seems to go wrong. Realize and understand that there are many other people who are living in worse conditions than you are.
Never exaggerate the complexity of your problems. Every problem has a solution. All you need to do is find that solution. Learn to be happy and to enjoy life’s blessings. Always live one day at a time.
“Remember that stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life. It comes from your thoughts about what’s going on in your life.”–Andrew Bernstein
Regarding Stress Relief it’s important to remember that God will never give us more than we can handle.  Rejoice and be Glad.
To Your Massive Success,
Angela Valadez
P.S.  Would you like to be your own boss and work from home.  It can be easier than you imagined.  Click on the Image below:
Be Your Own Boss Ingreso Cybernetico 300x300 Stress Relief:  Part 1

Monday, March 24, 2014

Seeking Wise Counsel!

Seeking Wise Counsel is extremely important regardless of what type of problem you are facing in your life.  There is always someone who knows more than you in regards to how to turn a problem into a solution.

wise counsel2 Seeking Wise Counsel!

God’s Word  tells us that there is benefit in a “multitude” of counselors.–Proverbs 11:14
“It was high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, ‘always do what you are afraid to do.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson
With the understanding that a wise counselor is someone who knows answers which will be directly applied or directly relate to your  problem.  It is also important to know that everyone who claims to be a counselor can give wise counsel regarding every topic.
In other words, never follow any advice, no matter how good it sounds, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind concerning that the counsel is indeed wise.

wise counsel1 Seeking Wise Counsel!
If you are seeking financial counseling, be sure to go to a financial counselor, or a financial adviser.
If you are seeking counseling in regards to your physical health, then it is important to go to a physician, nutritionist, or qualified trainer or fitness expert.
If you are seeking advice regarding marriage or relationship counseling, then you need to seek after someone who has wisdom regarding relationships.  Such as a marriage counselor, minister or relationship coach.
“No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.”–Hunter S Thompson
The point here is to seek ‘Counsel’ where it can be found! However, never just listen to only one persons opinion.  Go after a second opinion, or else seek out a second voice to confirm or corroborate with the advice you have been given.
Be sure to check out the counsel you are given by the Word of God.
wise counsel3 Seeking Wise Counsel!
Realize that counseling is of little benefit to a person who doesn’t want to seek wise counsel, or who doesn’t want genuine change and growth.  It just ends up being a waste of your time.  The desire for change has to be there in order to benefit from counseling.
“The way of the fool is right in his own eyes; but a wise man is he who listens to counsel.”–Proverbs 12:15
“If honest of heart and uprightness before God were lacking or if I did not patiently wait on God for instruction, or if I preferred the counsel of my fellow-men to the declarations of the Word of God, I made great mistakes.”–George Mueller
“He that gives good advice, builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both; but he that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other.”–Francis Bacon

wise counsel Seeking Wise Counsel!

When seeking wise counsel, there must be an honest approach in identifying where a person is and what they are ready to receive.  Do your homework and research the qualifications of the person you seek after.  Be sure they are qualified to give good sound, usable advice.

Angela Valadez

P.S.  When it comes to sound business advice, do your research and understand what you are getting.  Check this out!

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Some Durable Truths!

There are some durable truths about ourselves that we may have neglected to see or failed to remember.

truth 300x158 Some Durable Truths!

These truths  were recognized thousands of years ago, and have continued to stand the test of time. Here I will spell out  four of them, along with some ideas dealing with how to use this knowledge.
1.  Durable Truths Concerning Self Interest.
We are all self interested in one way or the other.  Even when we sacrifice for others,  this is even motivated by our own selfish desires. These desires include good feelings along with wanting to see or even make the world the way we desire it to be.
From time to time we may Forget this, and we may become bitter from trying to “do the right thing.”  In order to avoid this bitterness which comes along with “duty,” we need to recognize that  being a good person and doing the right thing is just self interest.
“Self-interest makes some people blind, and others sharp-sighted.”–Francois de Rochefoucauld
self interest Some Durable Truths!
“There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth.”–Chanakya
We can also point out the self-interest of others when we want to correct their behavior. Telling a man he’s wrong isn’t usually enough to change his behavior. It’s better to show him his true interest – that behaving in a better way is better for HIM. Don’t forget the normal and healthy self-interest in dealing with others AND with yourself.
“The kind of society which we still have is maybe, in some cases, getting worse. Competition is becoming a virtue. Intense competition drives people to go more and more into self-interest. Even to see other folks as competition.”–Major Owens
“It has always seemed strange to me… the things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.”–John Steinbeck
2.  Durable Truths Regarding Mistakes.
mistakes Some Durable Truths!
“Have no fear of perfection. You’ll never reach it.”–Salvador Dali
This statement can be seen as negativity, however, recognizing the truth is never a negative act.  It is a fact that we all make mistakes. The greatest man or woman alive – whoever he or she may be, has done some pretty stupid things.
This really isn't an attack on human greatness, just a recognition that human greatness isn’t dependent upon doing things perfectly.
Perfectionists suffer from the demands placed upon themselves, at the same time there are others who ‘hesitate to act’ for fear of failure and making mistakes.  We have to accept the fact  that making mistakes is normal.  Never dwell on the those mistakes!
“Do your work, then step back – The only path to serenity.”–Lao Tzu
3.  Durable Truths Regarding Learning.
learn Some Durable Truths!
The benefit which comes from making mistakes is that they give us a chance to learn, and so avoid even bigger mistakes. Of course, we also can learn from our successes, and from the successes of others.
We should view mistakes and successes, both our own and others, as the great opportunities they are. Always seize that chance to learn more and therefore,  live better.
4.  Durable Truths Regarding  Change.
change Some Durable Truths!
You’ve probably seen people who appear to learn nothing from their mistakes, truth?Yet, you’ve also probably known as well as read about those who turned their lives around! Change is possible, yet, another truth is that people often don’t change.  They get in a rut and refuse to come out of it.  Just sit and feel sorry for themselves.
The Durable Truth Regarding Change, however, is that we CAN change.
Angela Valadez
P. S.  Would you like to Build A Business Empire with only a extremely low cost?  Change your future.  Click Here Now!
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Being Strong and Courageous!

Being Strong and Courageous begins first with our mindset!

strong and courageous Being Strong and Courageous!
“Be strong and Courageous.  Do not be terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”–Joshua 1:9
Admit to the fact that you either have the mindset of a conqueror, or the mindset of a weakling or failure.  The fear of failure is based upon the fear of death, but to overcome failure we must remove the negativity and the failure mindset from our beings and replace our thoughts and beliefs with positive thoughts that are motivated or geared to faith, belief and success.
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”–Muhammad Ali
This can be done by renewing our mind with the Word of God daily, as we are limited only by our perspective, intelligence, time, space and our humanity.  Meeting God daily on a one on one basis removes our earthly limitations.  ”Be strong and of a good courage!”
“Because of a great love, one is courageous.”–Lao Tzu
Learn to banish fear from your life.  Understand that you do have the capability to take the necessary steps for personal fulfillment by helping others, attaining new friends, growing new personable contacts and better ideas which will lead to the fulfilling of your inner dreams.
By reducing and eventually removing the fear and worry from your life, you will begin to see new options, new ways of doing things, and receive new ways of relating to life that were invisible to you before.
strong and courageous1 Being Strong and Courageous!
“Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous, there’s really nothing to lose. There’s no wrong you can’t make right again, so be kinder to yourself, you know, have fun, take chances. There’s no bounds.”–Jewel
Being Strong and Courageous allows you to abandon worry and fear from your life and thereby gain the confidence to pursue a new career or dream, gives you the emotional freedom to ask others for help, the ability to handle criticism as well as rejection with ease.  It gives you the confidence to allow yourself to take a risk, speak to a group, ask for a necessary raise, do more for your favorite charity and the courage to invest in a business.
“Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you ,just keep on believing in yourself and turn it in to something positive.”–Leah LaBelle
“Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience.”–Hyman Rickover
strong and courageous2 Being Strong and Courageous!
Fear paralyzes and stops you in your tracks.  It has the ability to overwhelm you and immobilize you.  Being Strong and Courageous is God’s pattern of success by purifying us of past failures, giving us fresh revelation from His Word, and thereby leading us into “paths of righteousness” which will end in Success.
If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”
Angela Valadez
P.S.  Have you ever thought about creating yourself and Income for Life?  

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Aim Above The Mark!

It is Always Important to Aim Above the Mark in order to reach the Mark.

aim above2 Aim Above The Mark!
“We aim above the mark to hit the mark.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something.”–Henry David Thoreau
“In the long run, men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, they had better aim at something high.”–Henry David Thoreau

It has been duly noted that ‘Change’ is difficult for most people. Many times it seems that our entire identity is wrapped up in that which we’d learned as children.  Even as adults we tend to believe that the things learned in childhood will continue to work for us when dealing with people, allowing us to survive, thrive as well as, fit in.
aim above3 Aim Above The Mark!

At the same time there are those people who have had to learn to thrive while in the midst of change and have had to learn to be adaptable by being open to new ideas while embracing change, yet, many others have had to fight for survival and every table-scrap that came their way. Behavior is learned and it takes ‘work’ to unlearn and dismantle these old beliefs.
The truth of the matter is that a win-win is always possible. Once you are able to see beyond your ego and recognize that abundance is available, as well as, people, minds, and ideas can come together and create amazing changes that improve the current scenarios for many, many people.
“Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and choice, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.”–Aristotle
aim above1 Aim Above The Mark!
When you work with people who have an abundant and generous attitude, you are uplifted, the team soars, and amazing energy and creativity is unleashed.  
But, at the same time this type of attitude will be much harder to sustain, and  elevate within others when you encounter individuals driven by the mindset of scarcity and competition.
People such as Steve Jobs who are visionaries, have sought to bring about such mind shifts in society and in business.
Aim Above The Mark:  It is often better to take the high road.
This isn’t about judging others as wrong or seeing yourself as better than others. It is about recognizing your own truth as to how you wish to BE in the world.
Never compromise your integrity. 
Never get caught up in the competition. 
Always see the vision, see the outcome, and feel the purpose and passion you’re driven to offer the world, then give it freely. We will all die. You will not take anything from this life with you. So therefore, give what you have to offer the world. What is not given will be lost forever.
“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.”–David Frost
If it is your goal to truly bring about positive change and serve others, then how it will be accomplished becomes less important and seeing it accomplished becomes more important.
Though it may be a blow to your ego when others criticize your inspiration, or someone takes the credit for something you’ve introduced, holding fast to the benefits for everyone will often soften the sting.  It is important to pick and choose those places where you’ll offer yourself.  The key will be to evaluate whether it is serving a common good.
When you’re getting compensated for your contributions, an attitude of gratitude will serve to your spirit, peace. However, if you continually feel abused and stomped on, maybe it’s time to move on to a more collaborative team, as well as,  a more receptive and appreciative audience.
Knowing that you are accomplishing your purpose and living your passion will be your reward.  In time, it will be recognized.
Impostors will eventually be seen and heart & soul will always outlast the mind & ego.
Along the way, through the journey, that is your life and career, you will need to hold fast to the true inner qualities and nature of the brilliance that is YOU. Never allow these negative experiences to become something that undermines your value.  You are not the negative experience!  Many times, the negativity we experience from others, is more a reflection of them and less about who you are.
Since we all have different lenses, different gifts, different wiring, and different experiences. Difference will not be something to be judged, it is a gift of diversity that brings the pieces of the puzzle of life together and creates a society, a solution, a technology, etc., together for the benefit of us all.
aim above Aim Above The Mark!
Aim Above the Mark and never doubt yourself when others cannot see the vision you see. Remain true to yourself, keep your intentions high being filled with integrity and ethics, and the transition will be that you will attract the right support, the right people, and the right opportunities. Lower the ego and Aim Above the Mark of the vision.
“An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.”–Robert Louis Stevenson
Angela Valadez
P.S.   Your Time Has Come Right Here, Right Now To Create Yourself An Income For Life! Click Here Now!

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