Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Way To Prosperity

The Way To Prosperity is this:

“There is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way.”–Wayne Dyer
The Way To Prosperity
“A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.”–James Allen
Learning how to attract prosperity is the ability to “know” you’re prosperous – even when you don’t yet feel like you are!

Even though your outer circumstances may reflect an illusion of lack, you must break the illusion of lack.  Inside you, you have the power to diminish the energy which you have invested in this negative circumstance.

In order to rid yourself of the illusion of lack, you must first realize how you created it.

Here’s how you did it!
1. By constantly thinking about it and focusing on it.
2. By constantly affirming that it exists in your life.
3. By complaining about it to others.
4. By identifying with the lack you see in the world around you.
It came to you because of all the attention and energy you gave to the existence of lack.  This is why you attracted lack upon yourself.

The good news is that it is possible for you to use this same process to attract Prosperity and abundance into your life, except you focus on the opposite end of the spectrum!

The Way To Prosperity:

1.  Constantly think about and focus on Prosperity and abundance. However, NOT from a place of need, fear or anxiety – but from a place of joy, confidence and optimism that they are already yours.
2.  Constantly affirm that you are a natural prosperity magnet, and great abundance flows into your life easily and frequently.
3.  Share the wonderful things that happen to you with others. Rather than complaining about the bad stuff, share the good stuff and encourage the people in your life to do the same.
4. Always pay attention to the great abundance that surrounds you. This includes material possessions, people and blessings you have in your life, as well as, the expressions of abundance you encounter while out in the world.

Rather than feeling envious of rich and successful people, begin to imagine that the universe has just held up a mirror to let you know that YOU can also be just as rich and successful.

Develop an inner “knowing” that you can CHOOSE “prosperity and abundance”, just as easily as you chose “lack and struggle.”

It’s hard to believe that you’ve chosen lack and struggle (who in their right minds would?) – but it’s very possible to choose by default. Now you must consciously choose to be prosperous, it’s like sitting in the back seat of your car and expecting it to deliver you to your desired destination. It’s imperative that you get behind the wheel and DRIVE! :-)

“Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshiped.”–Calvin Coolidge

“Much effort, Much Prosperity.”–Euripides

Affirmation to recite several times a day to get you on the way to prosperity (should you choose):
“I KNOW I am a powerful creator in my own right, and I CHOOSE the harmonious flow of prosperity and abundance NOW.”

At first when you start reciting it,  you’ll probably feel like you’re lying. This is because deep down inside, you really don’t “know” any such thing. But keep at it. Keep saying the affirmation with strength and power and conviction in your voice, then soon you really will start to truly believe it.

The Way to Prosperity begins when you have Faith to Believe that you are Prosperous. At this point everything in your outer circumstances will begin to shift towards the prosperity and abundance you “know” you deserve.

“It’s God’s will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. It’s God’s will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt.”–Joel Osteen

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The Way To Prosperity

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Friday, August 30, 2013

Successful Change

Successful Change first happens within you.  

Success Change

Change has to happen within you before it can actually happen around you.  Why?  Because if change doesn’t cost you something, then it isn't change.

Change always requires a good attitude towards it as you prepare to meet it…
“They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” — Andy Warhol
“The mind is its own place, and it itself
Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n”
–John Milton
Change your attitude, change your mind, change your business, as well as change your workplace and gear yourself and others towards success.
Successful change requires you to take responsibility for the necessary changes in your life by managing and cultivating positive thoughts and habits.  This can make the difference in your life, opening doors and helping you to overcome great obstacles which will enable you to help others to do the same.

Motivational Quotes to help Change the way you think:

1.   “Assume a cheerfulness you do not feel, and shortly you feel the cheerfulness you assumed.”–Chines Proverb
2.   “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”– Mahatma Gandhi
3.  ”The only way around is through.”–Robert Frost
4.  ”You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”–Jim Stovall:
5.  ”You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.” –Warren Buffett
6.  ”Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!”–Henry Ford
7.  ”You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.”–Les Brown
8.  ”Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”–Theodore Roosevelt
9.  ”You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.”–Jim Rohn
10. “Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.”–Charles F Kettering
11.  ” Who likes not his business, his business likes not him.”–William Hazlitt
12.  ”Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating.”–Denis Waitley
13.  ”Management is nothing more than motivating other people.”–Le Iaccoca
14.  ”Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.”–Dwight D. 
15.  ”To succeed in business, to reach the top, an individual must know all it is possible to know about that business.”–J. Paul Getty
16.  ”To win without risk is to triumph without glory.”–Pierre Corneille
17.  ”The only limits are, as always, those of vision.”–James Broughton
18.  ”To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”–Tony Dorsett
19.  ”To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.”–George Kneller
20. “To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult.”–Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth
Successful Change requires you to destroy the old in order to create the new.  Always remember that if change doesn’t cost anything, then if definitely isn't change.
“No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back.”–Turkish Proverb
Successful Change will harness change and allow it to create the best you that you can be! Become a person who delivers value.
The Neo Network is about Teamwork and making the Dream work.  It is a Community where people will be working together and make money as a group.  This Community delivers Value because it’s easier to make money as a Team.  It’s called the Never Ending Opportunity.  If you’d like to find out more about it, just click on the Enter the Matrix button below.
Successful Change

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Successful Change

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Success the Opposite of Failure

Success is the opposite of failure.  It is a favorable or satisfactory outcome or result.

Success is the Opposite of Failure
“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” — Bill Cosby

Failure is just – False Evidence Appearing Real!

Success often eludes many people.   It can be like the inevitable pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, people set their hearts on following their dreams only to wake up disappointed.

Success comes as a reward you will receive from the time and effort you have willingly given to help and serve other people.  It is also due to our stretching forward from the challenges in life.

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”–Winston Churchill

Although you may have read a myriad of books and followed all the rules and imagined yourself as the successful person that you want to be. Your vision may be crystal clear and that is a good thing.  Why?  Because the Bible says, “Without a vision the people perish”.

The problem remains that envisioning yourself as successful is not enough:

a.  What are your dreams?
b.  What are you hopes for the future?
c.  Have you ever written them down?

If you could be anything that you wanted to be and go where you wanted to go, who would you be? What would you be like? Where would you be living?

Write down the answer to these questions. In doing so, you will be creating your own Dream Book, so to say.  This requires you to be as specific as you can in order for you to be able to visualize these things as being true today. Crystallize these ideals in your mind.

Success requires answering these questions:
1.  What do I need to do in order to live the life I dream of?
2.  What do I need to do to make my dreams a reality?

Be sure not to put off the vision too far in the distance. Never live on tomorrow’s sunshine. But, at the same time, don’t expect to have a change overnight. There is no magic pills or potions which will bring your dream into existence.

Someone once said “the road to success is filled with hard knocks” and this is reality.

You CAN achieve your dreams only if you systematically prepare yourself to receive them. You also must BELIEVE that you CAN receive them.

“If you think you can you can, and if you think you can’t, you can’t” — Henry Ford

Don’t allow fear to sabotage your thinking. With Faith, you can move mountains! Realize though that sometimes a mountain must be moved one piece at a time.

Set goals for yourself. It important to put these goals in writing, if you don’t put them down in writing and give them a date, they won’t happen. I can guarantee it.

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” –Swami Vivekananda

There’s nothing mystical in making your dreams a success. In any situation you able to do it piece by piece until your mountain is moved and you achieve Success.

Success the opposite Failure
You can start making some new dreams as soon as today with WakeupNow.  Because Success is the Opposite of Failure, begin making successful decisions today.

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Multi-Level-Marketing Benefits

Multi-Level-Marketing also known as MLM,  involves selling a company’s product directly to the consumer by way of networking.

Multi Level Marketing Benefits

Wikipedia “Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation.”
One of the Benefits of Multi Level Marketing is the more time, effort and commitment you put into your business will reflect the amount of money you will make.
“Some people have a lot of time, but no money–
It’s because they don’t work hard enough.
Some people have a lot of money, but no time–
It’s because they don’t work smart enough.
The most successful people have both.” –Bob Sharpe

Another benefit of MLM include networking, flexible timing and convenience.

The convenience of shopping is another strong feature of MLM. Generally, MLM usually supports online shopping.  There are certain times when you may reach out to other networkers in different arenas, such as homes, workplace or events.
Networking is the backbone and the soul of MLM. Word of mouth and trust play major roles in the success of MLM.
“People are not interested in your product or your business; they are interested in solving their own problems.” –James Dillehay
There’s nothing quite like the flexibility of working for yourself. A MLM distributor can work for as long as he or she wishes to. Therefore, the time, money and efforts to be invested in MLM is totally your choice. You may pursue it full-time or part-time permits.
Along with the convenience of flexible timings, MLM distributors generally work from home. They don’t have to show up in the office daily and they can work the hours that fit around other important things in their life.
The Start up capital is usually very small as a MLM distributor. Therefore, you run little financial risk. But, do measure the risk-return ratio before venturing into any MLM business opportunity.

A major “Benefit” of Multi Level Marketing is Multiple Streams of Revenue with:

1.  Like Minded People
2.  Perpetual Build
3.  Join Other Income Streams of Revenue
4.  Team Build
It’s all about not only you being successful, but everyone on the Team being successful.  Be sure to Enter the Matrix button for more information.
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Multi Level Marketing Benefits

Multi Level Marketing Benefits

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267

Monday, August 26, 2013

Law of Abundance – Wake Up Now

The Law of Abundance - Everything you desire begins in your mind and it is the mind that brings these thoughts to life.

The Law of Abundance - Wake Up Now

“Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens” --Tony Deliso

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” -  Tony Robbins

Some of the desires people have are as follows:

1.  to improve in their life are money
2.  a loving relationship
3.  a successful job or better yet Business of their own
4.  excellent health
5.  dream home
6.  new car
7.  Plenty of Money in bank
Unfortunately, most people just dream about these things, but never actually obtain them. What people don’t realize is that all of these things can be theirs through the power of manifestation of abundance.

Because your external state of being is the manifestation of your thoughts. Therefore, in order to obtain the things you desire, you have to first set your mind to it. Vital self-empowerment skills will help you mentally transform a thought into a material manifestation. You will learn how to change your expectations so that you may change your life.

You see, we actually live in a Universe of abundance, although most people tend to view it as a Universe of scarcity.  Holding onto thoughts such as, other's are more talented, more deserving, and more gifted than you will only hinder you from living an abundant life.  It's possible to learn skills to activate self-actualizing power through these Laws to live with wealth, financial freedom, and success.

“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.” --Steve Maraboli
Manifesting ones desires is a science! There are certain laws which govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of nothing into something. Once these laws are complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality. This may seem very unbelievable to some, but the truth is it’s very real.
Abundance is not just an accumulation of material wealth. It includes, happiness, peace of mind, harmony, optimal health, being in loving relationships,as well as, having a strong sense of your True Self. This universal abundance comes into a person's life only when he facilitates its free flow from him and through him.
Since we are talking about The Law of Abundance, there happens to be quite a bit of BUZZ about WAKEUPNOW, the business. Many people have asked what exactly WakeUpNow offers as a product? It’s important for a business to have a product! If it is a multi-level marketing business that does not have a product then it is likely to be investigated and shut down by the SEC (Security Exchange Commission).
WakeUpNow has been in existence since 2009. They are based out of Orem, UTAH in the United States of America. They have a strong board of directors which are not afraid to put their name on the business.  They also have several products within their primary product which is a subscription based discount service to get access to ridiculous savings on tons of products and services!
Here is their contact information for those of you who practice DUE diligence. 
504 West 800 North, Orem, Utah 84057
Ph: 801.373.2600
Fax: 801.769.3723
Below are the various services and products that you can obtain at ridiculous discount pricing for being part of the the Wake Up Now opportunity. Did I mention that you can make a whole bunch of money as well just by sharing this with other people?
WakeUpNow Market Place. What is WakeUpNow?What Is WakeUpNow Do I need to Wake Up Now?
There are thousands of stores; millions of products. You can get cash rebates, free shipping, special coupons and more just by using the HUB when you shop online.
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These merchants have partnered with WakeUpNow to give you special incentives like cash rebates from 1% to 20% on your purchases. That means in addition to great prices and online convenience, you’ll also get money back in your pocket.

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Your one-time fee gives you Vacation Club membership for life with NO annual renewals! In addition, you’ll get access to a concierge who will do all the research and make your reservations for you at no extra cost. Join today and start packing!

TaxBot comes with WakeUpNow. What Is WakeUpNow?My own parents have been using this for a year at least. They said it is well worth their time to use Taxbot for organizing their several different sources of income.
Taxbot is one-touch tax relief designed to make it EASY to save thousands on your taxes. The mobile app and online system help save you time, effort, and money. With taxbot, you can:
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WakeUpNow Language Tools What Do I Get With Wake Up Now?
The Tell Me More language learning program will enable you to master the foreign language of your choice. This award winning program is the most comprehensive and interactive program available, giving you the most complete and extensive way to learn a language from the comfort of your own home.
Save on your Verizon or ATT phone bill with WakeUpNow
Corporate Discounts on Verizon and AT&T. Subscribers have access to a host of corporate discounts, like savings of up to 22% from AT&T and Verizon calling plans just for being a part of WakeUpNow. See AT&T or Verizon for specific terms and conditions related to corporate discounts.
Invisus Digital Protection comes with WakeUpNow
A Leader In Digital Protection, Invisus products gives you peace of mind by protecting you and your assets from identity theft and other digital threats. The Invisus protection package includes Cyberhood Watch—online security alerts; iDefend—ID theft protection monitoring of over 1,000 databases; and the iSafe Secure PC Makeover—offering end-to-end security checkups and cleanups by certified technicians.
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What Do I get with WakeUpNow Grocery Discounts
Grocery Discounts! The price of food keeps rising in this economy! The days of clipping coupons out of the Sunday paper are over. WakeUpNow Grocery lets you quickly search, find, and use manufacturer coupons so you can save more money on your groceries. Enjoy the same great coupons with none of the paper cuts.
What do I get with WakeUpNow. Newsstand. News Stand
NEWSSTAND: Your WakeUpNow membership includes access to the Newsstand. You can choose from over 150 magazine titles to have sent directly to your home. Enjoy the monthly surprise of a fresh, new magazine (or 2, or 3) in your mailbox.
What DO I get with WakeUpNow. WakeUpNow Finance
WakeUpNow Finance is a Personal Financial Management (PFM) tool, full of rich features that give you a clear and simple overview of your finances. Stop guessing where your money goes and get control. From creating a budget to automatically tracking monthly spending, take the stress out of your finances and get peace of mind.


Enter The Matrix NEO Network
 If you enjoyed this article, please  "Like and Share."
The Law of Abundance - Wake Up Now

Angela Valadez
210 601 0267