Saturday, June 21, 2014

Focus And Identify Your Talent

Focus is simply a way of mobilizing and concentrating power; therefore, to identify your talent you must first realize that everyone has been given a talent.

talent Focus And Identify Your Talent

Talent:  “A special  natural ability, aptitude.”

“If a man has a talent and cannot use it, he has failed.  If he has a talent and uses only half of it, he has partly failed.  If he has a talent and learns somehow to use the whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded, and won a satisfaction and a triumph few men ever know.”–Thomas Wolfe

Realize that one does not have to be brilliant in order to be successful.  There are people with seemingly ordinary talents who have made extraordinary contributions to society.  To identify your talent lies in determining where your strengths lie, then focusing these strengths on your objectives.

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“Talent is God given.  Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.”–John Wooden

“Talent is cheaper than table salt.  What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”–Stephen King

“God gives talent.  Work transforms talent into genius.”–Anna Pavlova

“Does anybody really think that they didn’t get what they had because they didn’t have the talent or the strength or the endurance or the commitment?”–Nelson Mandela

Talent comes in many forms, as talent is a form of intelligence. 

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According to Harvard scholar Howard Gardner there are seven basic types of intelligence.

1.  Logical-mathematical.

Logical thinking people string together thoughts in logical coherent patterns.  They clearly see the relationships between cause and effect, and use these relationships to solve problems.  Engineers, accountants, physicists, police detectives, as well as, business managers need this form of intelligence.

2.  Linguistic.

The skillful use of words to inspire, influence and instruct.  Can be useful in the fields of writing, broadcasting, public relations, counseling, politics, corporate leadership and other fields which require the use of words that influence people.

3.  Spatial.

This is the ability to visualize material objects, manipulate them in the brain, and then reproduce them in tangible form.  This could be the artist,  sculptor,  architect, carpenter, plumber, as well as the garment maker.

4.  Bodily/Kinesthetic.

Allows the mind and muscles to work together harmoniously.  This would be your athlete, dancer, juggler or surgeon.

5.  Interpersonal.

These people have a highly developed ability to “read” other people.   Interpersonal intelligence is an asset in any undertaking that requires interaction with other people, such as:  Teacher, psychologist, lawyers, detectives and salespeople.

6.  Intrapersonal.

Self-understanding.  The enablement to look deep within yourself and make sense of what you see.  “Know thyself.”  Above all, be true to yourself, and as surely as day follows night, you will not be able to be false to anyone else.

7.  Musical.

The ability to make music is an invaluable social asset.  Having an appreciation for good music can enrich your life immeasurably.  These people usually have high levels of musical intelligence and are sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm and tone.

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So to identify your talent you can focus on the intelligences above and keep moving around until you find which one you are most gifted at. Then be sure to use it in an exciting, as well as, rewarding way which bring benefits to yourself and others.

If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

Angela Valadez

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A man or woman Exercising Patience cannot be moved, if they have allowed Patience to process their souls.

patience1 Excercising Patience

“Let Patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”–James 1:4

Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting upset.

“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.“–Carl Jung

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.“–Napoleon Hill
patience Excercising Patience

Exercising Patience will be delivered in degrees and is:

1.  Commended
“Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof; and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.  Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry; for anger rests in the bosom of fools.”–Ecclesiastes 7:8-9

2.  Should Be Exercised Daily.

“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.”–Psalm 37:7

In order to exercise patience, we must go through some things.  It is in the going through that we learn patience.

3.  Is a Fruit of Tribulation.

“And not only so, but we glory in (let us rejoice in our) tribulations also; knowing that tribulation works patience; and patience experience (probation); and experience hope.”–Romans 5:3-4

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.“–Jean-Jacques Rousseau

One of the by-products of Tribulation is “Patience.”

Strong’s Concordance tells us that the word translated “patience” means “cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy.”  Therefore, exercising patience will bring us cheerfulness.

When it comes to exercising our patience it is good for us to realize that our “Joy” may come by way of “Fire.”

“Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.“–William Penn

No Sinking Through A Rock
An old Welsh lady,
when she lay dying,
was visited by her Minister.
“Sister, are you sinking?” he asked.
She answered him not a word,
but looked at him
with incredulous eye.
He repeated the question!
“Sister, are you sinking?”
She looked at him again,
as she could not believe
he would ask such a question.
At last, Rising a little
in her bed, she answered,
“Sinking! Sinking!
Did you ever know a sinner
to sink through a rock?
If I had been standing on the sand,
I might sink; but, thank God,
I am on the “Rock of Ages,”
and there is no sinking there.
C. H. Spurgeon

When standing on the Rock of Ages and Exercising Patience you will never be moved and possess your soul through any amount of Tribulation, thereby receiving cheerfulness from the joy of endurance and constancy.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Becoming A Willing Vessel

Becoming a ‘Willing Vessel’ comes from making a Commitment to God for any Cause of His Choice.  

Becoming Willing Vessels1 Becoming A Willing Vessel
Each of us needs to come to the understanding that God never willed that we should be less than what He has purposed us to be.  He has the ability to use each of us in any area of His choice,  if, we choose to become a ‘Willing Vessel.”
Remember this always:  If God can use a donkey, He can most definitely use you, provided you are acceptance to His will for your life and are willing and obedient to His instructions.
It has been said that God uses Willing Vessels, not brimming vessels.  There must be room at the top for the Spirit of God to lead you and guide you.  Because He is no respecter of persons, He can and will use you if you are Willing to take the sacrifice of obedience and commitment to the cause He has in store for you.
Becoming Willing Vessels2 Becoming A Willing Vessel
God is a people person and He is always thinking of His people and caring for their needs. He does this by using individuals, such as you and I.
There is no excuse for saying that you are not good enough.  Below you will find a list of ordinary people who were not perfect, but used by God for His purpose.

Willing Vessels List:

1.    Aaron, a servant who became God’s spokesman
2.   Abraham, a nomad, who became the Father of many nations
3.   David, a shepherd boy, who became a King
4.   Deborah, a housewife, who became a Judge
5.   Elijah, a homely man, who became a mighty Prophet
6.   Esther, an orphan, who became a Queen
7.   Gideon, a common laborer, who became a valiant Leader
8.   Hezekiah, a son of an idolatrous father, who became a King renowned for doing right            in the sight of the Lord
9.   Hosea, a marital failure, who prophesied to save Israel
10.  Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, who prophesied the birth of God’s Messiah
11.  Jacob, a deceiver, whose name became Israel, as well as, a refugee, who became the                father of 12 tribes of Israel
12.  James/John, fishermen, who became close disciples of Christ and were known as the            “Sons of thunder”
13.  Jeremiah, a child, who fearlessly spoke the Word of God
14.  John the Baptist, a vagabond, who became the forerunner of Jesus
15.  Joseph, a prisoner, who became Prime Minister
16.  Joshua, an assistant who became a Conqueror
17.  Mary, an unknown virgin, who gave birth to the son of God
18.  Matthew, a government employee who became an Apostle
19.  Moses, a stutterer, who became a Deliverer
20.  Nehemiah, a cup-bearer, who built the Wall of Jerusalem
21.  Nicodemus, a Pharisee, who became a Defender of the Faith
22.  Paul, a persecutor, who became the greatest Missionary in history and Author of                 2/3′s of the New Testament
23.  Peter, a businessman, who became the rock on which Christ built the Church
24.  Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego, Hebrew exiles, who became great Leaders of         the Nation of Babylon

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Therefore, in order for you to become a Willing Vessel you must be willing to give “all of yourself” by becoming a person of obedience, endurance, dedication, commitment and persistent in the Service of God.  As you continue to give of yourself, God will willingly give to you much more than you could ever imagine.
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Friday, June 6, 2014

Roots and Fruits: Justification and Sanctification

Both Justification and sanctification are God’s work, and while they can and must be distinguished, the Bible will not allow us to separate them. The reason being is that both are gifts of our union with Christ, also, within this double-blessing;  justification is the root of sanctification and sanctification is the fruit of justification.

Justification, in Christian theology, is God’s act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while at the same time declaring a sinner righteous through Christ’s atoning sacrifice.

Sanctification is the act or process of acquiring sanctity, of being made or becoming holy.
“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”–Saint Basil

“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.”–T Harv Eker


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There is a lesson of the “seed” in its sending a shoot down so that it may be rooted and grounded, while at the same time it sends a shoot up to be the plant and flower that shall gladden the world.
The two growths are necessary.  Because without the strong root it would soon wither, as much activity fails for lack of growth in God’s ways.  The higher the growth up, the deepermust be the en-rooting.
roots and fruits Roots and Fruits:  Justification and Sanctification
Many forget this and therefore their work ceases to be permanent for God.  Beware of the leaves and flowers without the strong root.  They will wither and die accomplishing nothing for the Kingdom of God.
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Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.”–Mother Teresa

“Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself.”–Abraham Joshua Heschel

“Wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience, not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great virtues.”–Abigail Adams

“Things don’t just happen in this world of arising and passing away. We don’t live in some kind of crazy, accidental universe. Things happen according to certain laws, laws of nature. Laws such as the law of karma, which teaches us that as a certain seed gets planted, so will that fruit be.”–Sharon Salzberg
“Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.”–Baltasar  Gracian
“My favorite fruit is grapes. Because with grapes, you always get another chance. ‘Cause, you know, if you have a crappy apple or a peach, you’re stuck with that crappy piece of fruit. But if you have a crappy grape, no problem – just move on to the next. ‘Grapes: The Fruit of Hope.’”–Demetri Martin

We have each been given the seed to plant the roots which will bear the fruit of Justification and Sanctification in our lives, which, by the way is a ‘free gift’ from God by Christ’s atoning sacrifice.  Are your roots planted deeply?
If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

Angela Valadez
P.S.  As we age we tend to start having facial skin problems, such as wrinkles and sagging, as well as, blotches and age spots.  Click on the link below to see the value in these wonderful products below:
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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Success: Becoming a Thoroughbred

Earning Success while becoming a Thoroughbred is brought on by becoming well trained, educated or well bred.  

thoroughbred Success:  Becoming a Thoroughbred
Thoroughbred’s are well trained horse’s or individuals who wear blinders when they run their race in order to keep their eyes focused straight ahead, allowing no distractions to get in their way.  In other words, they run their own race in order to win the Prize at the end.  While in the process they lose sight of everyone else and head for the Prize or completed goal.
“When you call upon a Thoroughbred, he gives you all the speed, strength of heart and sinew in him. When you call on a jackass, he kicks.”–Patricia Neal

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A Thoroughbred’s Alphabet for Success is as follows:

A.   Action
B.   Belief
C.   Commitment
D.   Dedication
E.   Enthusiasm
F.   Faith
G.   Goals
H.   Happiness
I.    Inspiration
J.   Judgment
K.   Knowledge
L.   Love
M.   Motivation
N.   Nonconformity
O.   Obedience
P.    Persistence
Q.   Quality
R.   Righteousness
S.   Steadfastness
T.   Thankfulness
U.   Uniqueness
V.   Vision
W.   Wisdom
X.    (E)Xcellence
Y.    Yieldedness
Z.   Zeal
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“There can be no two opinions as to what a highbrow is. He is the man or woman of thoroughbred intelligence who rides his mind at a gallop across country in pursuit of an idea.”–Virginia Woolf
success Success:  Becoming a Thoroughbred
Acquiring success by becoming a Thoroughbred simply requires the correct track to run on along with action, a steadfast-persistent pace and straightforward focus, which never allows the word “Quitter “in their vocabulary.
If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”
Angela Valadez
Kannawaay BA Success:  Becoming a Thoroughbred
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