Monday, October 14, 2013

Why Cultivating The Atmosphere Of Faith Is Vital For Modern Churches

Cultivating The Atmosphere Of Faith Is Vital For Modern Churches because It Is In The Atmosphere of Faith Where Miracles takes Place.

"Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please God." --  Hebrews 11:6

A lot of people who are exposed to modern Christianity for the first time (or who are coming back to the church after a long absence) find the all-embracing attitude of progressive churches a little unsettling. What they have to understand, though, is that the atmosphere of faith is crucial to developing and maintaining a strong relationship with Christ in these very secular times.

What exactly is meant by the term "the atmosphere of faith?" In many churches, promoting this atmosphere involves providing members with much more than just weekly services. Church-sponsored community activities make it easier for Christians to socialize in a positive, Christ-friendly environment. A lot of modern churches also feel that they can perform a useful service by offering (and even promoting) Christian-oriented media, including books, films, and music. This is all part of a concerted effort to strengthen the body of the church and make it easier for members to resist temptation.

To those looking into the world of the church from the outside, these strange and time-intensive activities used to promote the atmosphere of faith can seem bizarre or even creepy. However, there are countless faithful Christians who can testify to their effectiveness. Instead of a Sunday destination that's easily forgotten during the balance of the week, a forward-thinking church can become the hub of its parishioners' lives. This makes parishioners both better Christians and better people, and that makes for a stronger, more vibrant church as a whole.

For pastors and other church workers, cultivating the atmosphere of faith is not always easy. It calls for more effort than simply scheduling and performing Sunday services.  It requires time spent in the Word of God, meditation, Prayer and openness to the Spirit of God, as well as the heart of a Servant. Given the astounding results many churches have achieved by reaching out to their congregations, though, it's a step more and more churches are willing to take.

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Angela Valadez
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