Stress Relief begins by changing our thoughts because we are not what we think, but what we think we become. Therefore, to avoid stress we must begin to have a positive attitude and thinking habits.
Believe this statement by Adidas:
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a date. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
“The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful treasures of wisdom.” James Allen
Stress Relief Methods Continued:
8. Learn to Put Off Problems Before They Even Occur.
This will take some preparation and practice. For instance:
a. If you are going to another city for an important meeting, carry your presentation materials and dress suit on board the plane.
b. Gas up before your tank is on empty.
b. Keep your car tuned up and your oil changed.
d. Keep food ready and on hand anytime at your house in case you have to prepare a fast meal without having to go to the store.
e. Always keep enough food, medicine, and toiletries on hand so you never have to feel tensed about them running out.
9. Expect And Enjoy All The Good Things That Life Has to Offer.

Be sure to allow yourself some physical pleasure and enjoyment in order to keep stress at bay. Indulge yourself with a professional massage, or trade massages with a loved one.
Give yourself consent to enjoy a movie, watch a concert or sports event, listen to music, or read a book. Take pleasure in a soothing cup of chamomile herb tea with a little bit of honey. Chamomile has long been used to relieve nervous tension.
You may want to arrange a day of beauty and relaxation with a friend. Do each other’s hair, or paint your nails and chat.
Make a simple steam facial at home by boiling water. Remove the pan from the stove. Cover your head with a large towel so that it creates a tent over the pot. Steam your face for five or 10 minutes. Add aromatic herbs to the water for a sensual touch. Center your attention on any of the senses – hearing, seeing, eating or body movements – for a few minutes. Even washing your hands can become a sensual experience.
10. Maintain a Definite Goal or Purpose in Life, and Strive for it..
Plan ahead to meet your most desired goals in life. It’s important to always wake up with a sense of purpose.
Most Time management experts highlight the importance of writing down your important goals. Be sure to break down big projects down into a series of small steps that you can work on every day. Inch by inch, slowly but surely, you will get to your ultimate destination.
Knowing that you are striving towards your dreams will relieve the frustrations that mount when you feel stuck in a rut or a situation that seem to have no direction.
11. Take Time Away To Recharge Your Spirit.
“Calmness is the cradle of power.”–J G Holland
Make sure to schedule for private time alone daily. After all, you deserve it. Unplug the telephone and enjoy a quiet evening alone or with your family.
Maybe even spend a few minutes writing your feelings out in a journal. This can help you find a new viewpoint in life and relieve any internal conflicts.
More Tips to Recharge Your Spirit:

· Use earplugs for instant peace anytime, anyplace.
· Meditation:Two methods: Observe your thoughts as they pass through your mind. Or, repeat a word or phrase with an uplifting meaning.
. Put into practice progressive relaxation for 20 minutes twice a day to relive high blood pressure and other physiological responses to stress. Make tighter and release each muscle group in turn, starting with the soles of the feet and slowly working up to the scalp.
· Schedule a weekend activity that is a change of your usual routine.
· Take time out for a little entertainment in the middle of your workday. When the pressures of completing a project are too great, your productivity can drop. Take a walk or eat lunch outside the office.
12. Use Visualization and Affirmation Techniques.
It’s possible for you to conquer a circumstance you fear by going over the event in your mind. Imagine the scene in clear detail and visualize the best possible result that may happen.
It’s also possible to reduce an imagined fear down to size by picturing the worst possible outcome. Visualize describing this worst case to your best friend the next day and the sympathy you receive.
Imagine telling a group of friends the next month, who contribute to their similar experiences.
Finally, imagine joking about your unpleasant experience with a complete stranger a month later. If you carry this exercise through to the end, your stress will become something to laugh about.
Replace negative self- talk with positive affirmations. Never allow your mind be filled with gloom:
You’re too ugly. . . you’re too old. . .you’ll never achieve anything. And things like: What if I fail the exam? What if she doesn’t like my gift? What if we get lost? These things haven’t even occurred yet.
Nourish your mind with a constant stream of “I can; therefore, I will.”
13. Always Get a Sufficient Amount of Rest.
Settle on how much sleep your body requires for the best possible performance. Lack of
sleep lessens the body’s responses to stress and lowers the immune system.
sleep lessens the body’s responses to stress and lowers the immune system.
14. Never Allow Yourself To Become Self Centered.
Realize that it’s not necessary for you to attain all the money, fame, and success in the world. There’s just not enough time to do all these things. Start from the most important task and focus on one thing at a time.
“Assume a cheerfulness you do not feel, and shortly you feel the cheerfulness you assumed.”–Chinese Proverb
Once you realize that Stress Relief comes from taking responsibility for your attitude towards how to react to situations, you will be able to overcome obstacles instead of being stressed from them.
“There is more to life than increasing its speed.”–Mohandas K Gandhi
To Your Massive Success,
Angela Valadez
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