Thursday, May 29, 2014

How To Obtain The Fruitful Life

In discovering How To Obtain The Fruitful Life it is important to look into your inner man by faith,  You should have “unshakable confidence” in whatever it is you are believing for.

Fruitful1 300x144 How To Obtain The Fruitful Life
Living a Fruitful life will require you to:
1.  Become Organized. 
Organization is what makes the fruitful life visible.
2.  Give.
In order to receive, you Must first Give.    Give and it will be given to you.
Giving will not be complete unless receiving takes place.  We must learn to give God’s way for this to take place.
God is the GROUND.  [Good ground with good soil]
Jesus is the VINE.  [He bares the branches which enable the branches to bear the fruit.]
You are the BRANCHES that bear the fruit, and then, give away the fruit which you bare to others.
3. Usage of Good Stewardship.
You must be able to Manage your finances wisely.
4.  Be Authoritative.
It is your duty to protect the fruit while staying in right standing with God by applying the Word of God.  You must protect the fruit!
5.  Have Unconditional Love.
This will guarantee you a return, however, you must realize that it is your duty to make sure that the seeds which fall from your ‘loins’ are reproduced after your own kind, while remembering that “Love Never Fails!”
6.  Obedience.
Being obedient teaches us to exercise the fruit.  It is as a fertilizer.  First fruit obedience is the ‘Fruit of Obedience.’

Fruits of Obedience are as follows:

fruitful life 300x99 How To Obtain The Fruitful Life
a.  Discipline.
Be forceful at first, then, after a while it will become natural.
b.  Character.
The way you are regarded.  Have outstanding character.
c.  Integrity.
You must become a person of Integrity.  This should be who you are!
7.  Always Be in Agreement with the Word of God.
This will sustain the fruitful life.
Being fruitful means productive, abounding in fruit or causing one to bear fruit in abundance.
Have you thought about the type of fruit you want to bear or where you would like to start bearing fruit?
IBO Toolbox is a place where you can bare fruit into your life, as well as the lives of others. There are many special people here which bare good fruit into your life, by education, words of wisdom,  as well as, building a Community of Entrepreneurs.
IBO Toolbox has many fruit bearings tools such as: IBOtube, IBO gigs, IBO Exchange, IBO Forum along with so many other advantages.  Mainly the people here are amazing, as well as, the IBO Spirit going forth where we all share our articles along the net for more to see.
Another great feature is “Free Advertising. ” This is a great place to get started with your online business.  Did I say, the people are amazing!!  The place is filled with Opportunity.
I would like to take the time to “Thank” everyone that congratulated me today for being ‘Featured Member of the Day’ on IBO Toolbox.  A special thanks to Bill Bateman and Terri Pattio for being the first to congratulate me, as bringing to my attention, this Honor.
Be sure to join me here on IBO and receive these wonderful benefits: Click Here
If you enjoyed this article, please “Like and Share.”

Angela Valadez
P. S.  With so many things going on in the world today check out the American Betrayal .

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