Servant Leadership requires you to be willing to do what the average person will not do.

The concept of servant leadership begins by being a servant first. A servant leader must first learn to serve before taking on any leadership position. Servant leaders are required to focus on the wellbeing and individual growth of their followers. It is known that people will not follow a leader until he/she shows genuine interest in them.
It is a known fact that Leadership can be a very challenging task at times. One of the responsibilities of a servant leader is to motivate the team to all work together towards a common goal. This can be a daunting challenge indeed. Many times your the team will be comprised of very diverse members, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and work styles.
Successful people have learned to pass up immediate pleasures in return for long term pleasures. They are willing to do the dull and unglamorous things that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.

Team dynamics are also often complicated at times by internal disagreements and personal conflicts. Because the leader, not only has to work with this group of people, but they also need to achieve the expected results.
Servant Leadership:
A good leader will see the greatest results by working and utilizing the strengths and working style characteristics of the personalities on the team. By correctly positioning the individual member strengths and compensating for weaknesses, the leader can bring the team into a productive balance and harmony.
“Integrity is a powerful force, keeping you alive to others long after you’ve left their presence.” –Mollie Marti
Servant Leaders can greatly benefit by being able to identify the types of personality characteristics of their team members. Through understanding the basic personality types, the leader can use individual strengths of members for the good of the team, as well as assign tasks that individual team member’s naturally excel in.
A leader can also learn to communicate in a way that is motivating, by taking into account the needs, values and working preferences of different team members.
“If you can’t handle others’ disapproval, then leadership isn't for you.” — Miles Anthony Smith
The four personality types will be described using the colors Yellow, Blue, Green and Red.
A strong Yellow member will take work and responsibility very seriously. Yellow personalities will want to contribute, be part of the team, and to be successful and productive. They tend to respond well to recognition, rewards and incentives. However, your Yellow team members need well defined responsibilities and structure, firm expectations and timelines, as well as, being reassured from authority from time to time that they are on the right track.
A strong Blue personality needs an “open”, social atmosphere to be able work well. Relationships are very important for them, and they require the freedom to be able to nurture relationships with coworkers, customers and team members. Realize that conflict and intense competition are painful for a strong Blue, but they will thrive in a positive, creative, service orientated atmosphere.
A strong Green personality is more noted for expertise rather than people skills. They are excellent when working with facts, data, research and analytical projects. Greens shine in their ability for designing, understanding complex systems and strategy. Know that “facts” are of utmost importance for the Green, but they have a weakness for routine follow through and are somewhat insensitive in social interactions.
A strong Red team member will be noticed by their energy, skill and creativity and strong personality. A key factor for an Red is the freedom to be able to use their skills and abilities. If there is too much structure, or their boss is an authoritarian, the red personality feels blocked and will not function well. Red personalities are money focused and will work well in a spirit of teamwork, competition and camaraderie. They are action orientated, though and become impatient with prolonged talking and detailed administrative tasks. They are producers!
When a leader recognizes the colors of his/her team, can use this knowledge to blend the team members into a unified, well coordinated picture poised for success. By facilitating each team member to function in their areas of natural strength and motivating them by communicating in a way that inspires harmony and team work, the Servant Leader is well on the way to achieving extraordinary results for their team and themselves.
“Finish Well; Anyone Can Start Well” – Miles Anthony Smith
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Angela Valadez
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