Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Creating A Desire To Expand And Grow!

Creating a desire to expand and grow begins with your attitude towards life and the way you think and believe.

expand and grow Creating A Desire To Expand And Grow!
You will have to learn to feed the right emotions and starve the negative emotions.  It is possible for both “faith and fear” to rise within you at the same time.  It’s up to you to determine which one to follow.
There are two natures which rise within my breast.
One is foul, the other blessed.
One I love, the other I hate;
Obviously, the one I “feed” will Dominate.
If you desire to expand and grow you must be willing to take a risk.  You must be willing to make mistakes.  In order to reach your potential in life you must be willing to take various chances.
“It may not be your fault for being down, but is is your fault for not getting up.” –Steve Davis
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”–Benjamin Franklin
Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead.” –Moreihi  Ueshiba
Always remember that there’s a choice to be made in everything you do.  So be sure to keep in mind that in the end, the choice you choose will make you.

How do you see Yourself?

expand and grow1 Creating A Desire To Expand And Grow!
Creating a desire to expand and grow will also require you to be confident, bold, energetic,  action taker, a good thinker, but most of all you have to like yourself.  You must be prepared to read daily, making it a priority so that you can grow in knowledge and grace.  Will also require you to want to help others as well as yourself.
“Keeper of the Keys”
You are the Keeper of The Keys.
You are the Guard at The Gate.
Waiting in line to get through that door,
Is LOVE.  And also HATE.
In line to enter is GENTLE PEACE.
You must choose who may, and who
May not come through the door.
INTOLERANCE tries to sneak on through
On wings of FEAR,  or PRIDE.
It hides behind DREAMS of BELONGING,
And tries to sneak inside.
Oh! Be alert!  You’re the Guard who decides
Who GOES and who may STAY.
You are The Keeper of The Keys to Your Mind.
Who will you let in today?
—John C Maxwell
Another tip on creating a desire to expand and grow is to surround yourself with people who are good thinkers and have creative minds, who are already successful in the area in which you would like to expand and grow in.
“The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice.” — George Eliot
No matter what your circumstances appear to be at the present time, you have the ability to expand and grow if you so desire.
Angela Valadez
210 601 0267
P.S  Allow yourself to expand and grow here.  Click Here!
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